I have felt a pull to write this blog for some time now, but was afraid I couldn't convey the message I wanted to send. What I should have done was prayed about it. Like the famous Beatles song, "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be". All you have to do is ask and He will "speak His words of wisdom". I will remember this the next time the words aren't flowing as freely as I would like them. Until then, enjoy my words of wisdom about Moms.
This is for anyone whose Mom is still with them. I had mentioned in an earlier blog that I would tell you more about my mom (Great Gamma) and with Mother's Day right around the corner, I thought this would be the perfect time. I really believe you have these genes in your body called "decorator and style genes" that only get passed down by a certain few. I think for sure I received them from my Mom. I in turn passed them down to my daughter. Not only did she receive our "decorator gene" but she certainly added her own. I look back and think to myself, why didn't I take the time to find out more from my Mom. Why didn't I ask her more questions? Most importantly why didn't I take her advise and try some of her suggestions. You know she was always right. "Chrissy", she would say......."Why don't you hang ruffled curtains in here, it would really warm up the room". Or, "That color is too dark try a lighter color". Again I thought my way was better, and refused to try.
So, you say, what is the point of this blog? Ultimately, it is to advise you to not say "No," don't be stubborn, don't believe it's your way or the highway....Listen to your Mom's, they have marvelous ideas. You can learn so much from them and teach others, like your Daughters and Daughter-in-laws and Grandchildren. Your Mom's are creating legacies, be proud of their knowledge and accomplishments. Please don't be closed minded as I was at times. I missed out on a wealth of information. Mom, I know you are smiling down on us and saying, "I knew you would see it someday Lizzytish (that's what she always called me), if I waited long enough, you would see what I am talking about". I know now Mom, and I can say with pride...I just shared it and I will never stop.
Here is a 4 Generation picture taken over 16 years ago.........
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Here we are today with Great Gamma smiling down on us...
I think I will go and Google...Lizzytish |