Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summer is flying by.......

Where is the time going?????  When they start to advertise "back to school" items, I know the summer is almost over.
Well we finally received the balance of our furniture shipment, so I can really start to settle.  I have taken a few pics of some "spot" decorating (that is my word for putting together one little area in a big room).

I placed this little layering between my living room and dining room as a little divider.

This is my collection of old/new bottles on display in a terrarium.  I glued many sea shells into corks for toppers.

A "spot" in my dining area to display some treasures.
Need to distress this table.  Don't you think?
Had to break up the entertainment center, due to the lack of  a full wall.  We set it between a window, and I think it works
Little area between the back door and half bath.  Great place for our keys.

Well this is the only "spot" Decorating I have done so far.  More to come in the coming weeks.

Summer isn't really almost over is it?  Let's enjoy one day at a time. "This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it".

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