Friday, July 6, 2012


A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous...full of beauty and forever beautiful...loving and caring and truly amazing.
-- Deanna Beisser

Chloe Joy Kay

She came into this world a day earlier than expected.  I should have known then that impatience would be a trait that she would possess.  She is my second child, two years and 9 days younger than my oldest son Joshua (click here to revisit Josh's post).  My birthday is in January also, so it makes for quite the busy month (coming right off the heals of the Christmas season).  We just don't want to stop the celebrations I guess.  She is knick named Sweet Pea, Sweet, Chlo, Chlobie and Chlobie Joykins amongst others.  You can learn a lot from a person's Pinterest page.  Be sure to visit hers.

The three January babies!

Chloe is going to be a senior in high school starting this fall.  For her graduation party next year we will be putting together a "slideshow of her life" just like we did for Josh's party.  Needless to say, we haven't started it yet, which means I have not yet scanned in many of her baby pictures.  Here's one of her and Josh I just happened to have.

I found this quote online somewhere, sorry I don't have the author, but because Chloe is 17 now, I thought it most apropos.

"It's the oldest story in the world.  One day, you're 17 and you're planning for someday. And then quietly, without you ever really noticing, someday is today.  And then someday is yesterday.  And this is your life."

Basically, you have your whole life ahead of you.  Find your dream, and go live it.  Time passes us by so quickly that before you know it, your right in the middle of your life.  Only God knows his plan for us.  Live life each day as if it were your last.  This is my advice for her.

Here are 17 reasons why Chloe Joy Kay is the most amazing and special daughter anyone could ever ask for.

1.  She is a child of God.
2.  Her zest for life is immeasurable.
3.  The love she has for her family is more special than words can say.
4.  She can turn any situation into the best memories you'll ever have.
5.  Because she is sometimes impatient, bossy, stubborn and opinionated, I know that God made her that way for a reason and those things have made her who she is today.
6.  She always strives to be better.
7.  Her interests are quite diverse from horses (animals), art, photography, tennis, volunteering, skiing, physical therapy and her love for God; making her quite the well rounded individual.
8.  She is "smarter than the average bear".
9.  If it weren't for her memory, I don't know where I would be.  I think I'll be totally lost when she leaves for college next year.
10.  I know she won't admit it, but she loves her brother like no other.  Deep down inside, they would be lost without each other.
11.  She will be the first to lend a helping hand.  She will be the first one there to help set up and the last one there helping to clean up.
12.  Her sense of fashion makes me smile, right on top of the trends.
13.  She's pretty athletically diverse having tried many sports such as  running, lacrosse, basketball, soccer, swimming and volleyball.  Currently she still skis, rides horses and plays tennis.
14.  Her sense of humor leaves me gasping for air on many occasions.
15.  We have the best mother/daughter relationship.  She comes to me often for advice and I recognize when she needs her space......but.....she is definitely "Daddy's little girl".
16.  She hates to read, and she'll be the first to admit it.  However, if she finds a great book, she won't put it down 'til she's finished.  She actually prefers magazines to novels.
17.  And last, but certainly not least, Chloe Joy has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know.  She takes after her Dad in that way and is an awful lot like my Mom when it comes to the size of her heart.  They don't come much bigger. 


Many say she looks a lot like her Aunt Mary (Mark's sister)
One of the many proms/balls she's been to with her boyfriend.
2012 West Genesee Jr. Prom

Chloe with her Gamma (Mom) on her Confirmation
3 generations and, Chloe and Mom

Thank you God for giving us the most incredible daughter, sister, granddaughter and friend.  I don't know what we did to deserve such an inspiration in our lives, but we will be forever indebted.

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