Sunday, June 24, 2012

Josh Goes Skydiving....Lord Help Me!

So Josh comes home from college in mid May and a few days later announces that he and his friend Bri are going skydiving.  What?  Are you crazy?  He's 19, what could I say?  He didn't need my permission/signature to do it.  I did say that  I wish he wouldn't do it.  I then thought that I didn't want to be the person who stopped him because then that's all he would remember is that his mother stopped him from doing something he always wanted to do.

If you live in the Central New York area and are interested in this death-defying stunt then visit here to find out more.

He told me when it was all over that it was the most amazing thing he has ever done and that given the chance he would do over and over again.  "It was worth every penny," he told me on the phone when he called.  I made him call me the second he could after landing.  I said, "Call me, no texting.  I need to hear your voice."  He did and I think it was the first time I was able to take a deep breath that day.  My mom texted me that morning when I was freaking out and told me that when Josh is up there about ready to jump, he will be closer to God than he ever has been.  Wow, kind of profound.  It helped me, for all of one minute, and then I was back to freaking out.

Thank you God for allowing my Joshie to experience the thrill of his life.  Most importantly, thank you for bringing him back to earth safely.  One more thing God, please knock some sense into him so he doesn't try something like this again. Thanks!

via Pinterest

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope your life is full of great adventures!


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