Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Your doing what? When? Why?

With just over a week before we move, Woodworker Man and I are doing DIY projects.  As to why we would be doing this, I can only say that maybe after we move we don't want any leftover projects left unfinished.  Get straight to the settling.  Who would want to have to pack half done projects.  Sound good?  It's the only answer I can come up with.

Without further ado, let's get to the projects.

This is a sweet bench Woodworker Man is making.  The top pic shows the primer, the next photo is the
bench top.

The above photo is the black finish for the bench....still needs another coat of paint.  Still in progress.  He does excellent work.  I will show you the finished project in a future blog.

This is an ink drawing I had an artist make for my Mom & Dad over 40 years ago.  It is the house I spent my teenage years in on Grand Island in New York. It is the house I was living in when I met Woodworker Man. After Mom & Dad's passing, it was a picture I wanted to have. I didn't want to take the picture apart for my DIY project, so I just turned it over and did my project on the back.  (I needed this size for my project).  Below is my finished DIY project, that will be placed over our bed in our new house.  I painted the back a "sea glass" color and painted the letters with a gold metallic then hot glued them in place and that was it.


The next picture is of a pail I picked up from a church yard sale.  Isn't it cool.  So many possibilities!


I stenciled the "NO. 29" on the pail.  I plan on putting it on front porch steps, with plants and flowers in it.  Of course that is our new address.  It is my first attempt stenciling on a round tapered surface, and I think I should have used a smaller stencil.  Oh well, next time.

These were the projects from the past week.  Now it is back to packing.  Thanks for looking and I hope to get one more blog posted before we move.  Holly and Chloe, who will be doing a guest post about her prom will be taking up the slack for Mom.

One last thing I would like to add..  My dear friend Lin and her family lost their beloved pet...Maui.  I loved that doggie and she was a faithful family friend.  Thanks Maui for all the fun and joy you bought to our lives.


This is what her family wrote:

Thank you for being our angel, our hero, our friend, our very own God-Send.
You have loved us, protected us, brought us joy, if only you'd learn to give up that toy!
You made us laugh, you made us cry, but we always knew on you we could rely.
Even when you ran away, we knew you'd be back that day.
Through all the crazy you stayed the same, Maui we found comfort in your name.
We counted on you in good times and bad.  You didn't disappoint even when we got mad.
Your loyalty was always there, your snoring loud, your shedding hair.
Now the Lord calls you home for you job here is done, quite well, we'd say...A #1
Our lives are better having had you as our pet.
Thank you Lord for 0ur Maui, we'll never forget.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the beautiful post. She loved you Chrissy!
