Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Moving....one of the top stresses of life.

WE ARE IN...........that's all I'll say for now.  You would think I could move blind folded and not have it effect me, but it is never the case.  It truly is one of the top stresses of life.
The only pics I will show you is the outside (curb appeal) and a few empty rooms and boxes.  We are getting our furniture in two shipments.  In some cases that is good, so you can settle before the second shipment comes. In other cases not so good, because you have to do all over again.  In any case it will get done and the Lord willing our backs will survive.  I will blog in the near future with pics of the inside when we are a little more settled.  Then when complete we will have the full reveal.

This is the front of our house.

Here is our skinny little driveway...so cute

This is  our neighbor's yard.  Thank you for keeping it so pretty for us to enjoy.

Messy backyard.....

Backdoor (still messy)


This completes the outside (before), now for a few inside (before)          

The following pics are rooms waiting for the balance of the furniture.

Well that's it folks......the agonizing pictures of MOVING.  Stay tuned for more updates and pics to come......Must run, we have an appointment with the Chiropractor.



  1. Beautiful ! Where are you ????

  2. Looks like the perfect house for you!!! It has lots to offer: Porch, fenced back yard for flip flop and lots of curb appeal...
    Congrates on the move, praying you get settled quickly.
