Friday, May 25, 2012

OMG......A New Car

Oh em gee! We bought a new car! And not just any car, mind you! Our family has a third car. We now have one for Mark, one for me and ONE FOR THE KIDS! Yikes!  How did this happen?  I don't really know because if you ask either of them they will tell you that our rule was that we would never buy them a car and that if they wanted one they would have to save up their own money and purchase one themselves. Yep, that's what we said.  Did we stick to that rule? Nope!

OK, so here's why.  Josh is home from college for the summer and he has a job.  Chloe will finish her Junior year in high school in a few weeks and she has a job.  Mark and I have jobs too.  Are you getting the picture?  We also thought that it would teach them some more added responsibility.  They are responsible for the gas, washing, scheduling the maintenance and figuring out who gets it when.  Josh is 19 and Chloe is 17.  They are pretty trustworthy already and we thought that they could handle this added responsibility.  Honestly, if I thought they couldn't handle it or weren't ready we wouldn't have even considered it.

So far, so good.  We are still in the honeymoon stages.  I'm pretty confident that they will step up to the plate and do just fine with it.  They are really great kids that God has entrusted us with and this is just the next step in allowing them to spread their wings and fly.  I hope I'm not disappointing you, God,  and that you would approve.

Thanks for stopping by.  Enjoy the wonderful holiday weekend we have coming up.


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