Guess what I'm doing today? I'm so excited!!! Banker Man and I are driving up to SUNY Oswego to pick up our son Josh from college. He will be home for the summer. I can't believe that he has finished up his first year as a Broadcast Journalism major. We couldn't be more proud. I thought that this would be a great opportunity to share with you a little bit about our oldest child Joshua Christian Kay.
What a cutie!!!! He takes after his mom!?!
Josh was born on January 15, 1993 in Amherst, New York (a northern suburb of Buffalo). He arrived 8 days past his due date at an even 8 lbs. Come to think of it, he did everything a bit late. He didn't crawl or get his first tooth until he was 10 months old. He didn't walk until he was 15 months. We figured out that if he couldn't do it perfectly he was going to wait until he could. As time went on, that is exactly how he approached everything.
What can I tell you about Josh.....well, he's sweet, kind, loving and has the most incredible smile! It melts my heart everytime he shows those pearly whites. I call it his "Joshie smile". Growing up he played just about every sport you could imagine: gymnastics, football, soccer, baseball, basketball and golf. As time went on, baseball, basketball and golf won out. He still plays these sports today, whenever he can.
His favorite position to play was 3rd base |
Such concentration |
Holy Family varsity seniors |
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Wildcat freshman
Josh is very passionate with whatever he takes on. Whether it's his school work, sports, his job or just life in general, he's determined to do it well. He doesn't deal very well when other people aren't as passionate as he is, sometimes to a fault. He can be moody sometimes (we call it being "poopie") and very opinionated at times; but that's what makes him who he is. I wouldn't change a thing.
One of my favorite things about Josh is his love of the Lord. His faith is so important to him and he gives me such inspiration. He attended Holy Family school from kindergarten through 6th grade before moving on to the public middle school and high school. He remained very active in our church from being as an altar server, to being very active in our youth group, to volunteering at VBS, to teaching religious education, to actually working at the church as a sacristan. He enjoys the fellowship, spirituality and friendship he receives from being a part of a very large and active parish. I not only thank God for him everyday, but thank Him immensely for filling Josh with the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.
Holy Family 6th grade graduation - 2005 |
Alter Servers (Josh is second from the left) |
Josh was Chloe's confirmation sponsor - 2011 |
Reading from the bible at one of the Lifeteen (youth group) meetings |
Josh has always wanted to go into Broadcast Journalism....sports broadcasting to be specific. He chose to attend SUNY Oswego because they have one of the best communication departments in New York state. We were thrilled that he was beginning his dream.
Graduation day - 2011 |
He has since gone on to post a 3.90 GPA in his very first semester. That totally blew me away. We were just hoping that he would love it and adjust to his new way of life. Guess we didn't have to worry much. Again, it's all thanks to the Lord above. It's amazing what happens when you just trust Him and allow him to Josh through his journey.
He started a website/blog while he was there with his roommate and another communications major. Check it our
here. It's a place to hear play-by-play of Oswego sports and a way for them to hone their journalism skills by writing blog entries about current sporting events occurring around the world.
His family means the world to him. He means the world to me. There is nothing he wouldn't do to help out his family. Come to think of it, there is nothing he wouldn't do to help out anyone in need. He just has that kind spirit that I must say is quite infectious. When you're around him you can't help but smile. I am a better person because of him.
Josh came home for the weekend recently to be here for Chloe's Jr. Prom |
Lastly, I will make one last comment on how incredibly funny Josh is. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't make me laugh. Even in the worst of times, Josh will figure out a way to make me smile, even if it's just for a few seconds. From the comments he makes, to the silly way looks at you, there is never a dull moment.
How can you not smile at that silliness? I know I can't. |
Thank you Joshie for just being you. You are who you are because of all the experiences you have been through for the last 19 years. From the day you put me through 19 hours of labor, to your first steps, to your first day of kindergarten, to the first time you swung a bat, to your first girlfriend, to getting your driver's license, to graduation and now on to college, I want to tell you that it has been the ride of my life watching you and I can't wait for what lies ahead. Your certainly have me sitting on the edge of my seat with eyes wide open just waiting for the next adventure that comes along. You are my oldest child, you are my Joshie, and I will love you until the end of time. I am forever blessed.