Monday, April 16, 2012

Springtime in Virginia

Well, the Woodworker Man and I arrived in Virginia to visit with Son and Family, and were welcomed to a beautiful springtime season.  The trees are almost in full bloom and the flowers are flourishing.  The smell of lilacs is certainly in the air.  That is one tree I truly miss in the south....too hot in Hilton Head for those trees to survive so I'll enjoy them while we are visiting.  I always remember back in New York, I would pick a bunch and put them in our bedroom, so when I would wake up in the middle of the night, the lilacs would soothe me back to sleep.  (Of course I would occassionanly find an ant in my bed).

We are staying here for an undetermined amount of time.  We want to spend quality time with everyone while we are here.  Woodworker has some work to do here and we certainly want to be here for Gavin's 7th birthday.  He is the oldest son of our son and his beautiful wife.  They are planning a camping night party for him, complete with homemade tents and a movie being projected on the back of the house.  I won't giveaway all the secrets, but let me tell you our dear daughter-in-law throws one incredible party.  She is a wedding planner and is so inspired for every event.  Can't wait to share the pics in a few weeks.

Meanwhile here are a few pics near our son's house in Virginia while taking a little hike.

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