Friday, June 29, 2012

Gardening In Our Lives

I am fairly new at gardening.  I've only become somewhat interested in the past few years.  My interests lie mostly in perennials because they are pretty maintenance free.  The annuals that I usually plant are in containers.  My favorite are geraniums. This year I thought I would try my hand at growing some herbs.  This, I also thought I would try in containers.  So far, so good.  It's great to just walk out my front door with scissors in hand and cut off what I need for that day's dinner.

What I've also learned about gardening is the most amazing colors that certain plants produce.  If you are ever looking for the perfect color for something such as decorating (wall color, accessories) or what to wear to your next outing (dress, sweater, scarf) just look outside.  Mother nature certainly knows how to put on a show.

Raspberry Delight

All images are from Pinterest

Something that I am really, really bad at, that somehow I have to figure out how to remedy, is that I cannot remember the name of anything.  The top picture is from my garden.  What's it's name?  I have no clue.  Someone the other day asked what the name of the wall color was in my living room.  I had no clue.  Is this something that I should keep track of?  Do people really know this kind of stuff?  Anyway, I was thinking I needed to add a third color to my living room.  An accent color of sorts.  My living room is blues and greens (click here for a refresher).  This raspberry color may just do the trick.  What do you think?

You Are My Sunshine

All images are from Pinterest except the center and far right bottom corner images are from my garden.

The outside can also give you ideas for color combinations.  I've always loved the color yellow, but putting yellow and white together just makes me smile from ear to ear.  It's such a bright and cheerful combination.

Orange You Glad.....

All images are from Pinterest except the upper right image is from my garden.

Pantone's 2012 color of the year is none other than Tangerine Tango.  I would be remiss if I left that gorgeous color out of my list of beautiful nature inspired colors.  My guest bedroom walls (now don't ask me the name of the color) is a form of Pantone's 17-1463.  You can use it in so many ways if your not quite brave enough to go all in. Accessories such as pillows, lamps, window treatments and even accent rugs are great ways to to use this warm, luscious color.

Have fun all you color enthusiasts!  Look in your garden, go for a walk (like my mom did here), or just be a little more aware when you're out and about and I bet you'll find your next wall color.  If anything, you'll appreciate what Mother Nature has to offer.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Josh Goes Skydiving....Lord Help Me!

So Josh comes home from college in mid May and a few days later announces that he and his friend Bri are going skydiving.  What?  Are you crazy?  He's 19, what could I say?  He didn't need my permission/signature to do it.  I did say that  I wish he wouldn't do it.  I then thought that I didn't want to be the person who stopped him because then that's all he would remember is that his mother stopped him from doing something he always wanted to do.

If you live in the Central New York area and are interested in this death-defying stunt then visit here to find out more.

He told me when it was all over that it was the most amazing thing he has ever done and that given the chance he would do over and over again.  "It was worth every penny," he told me on the phone when he called.  I made him call me the second he could after landing.  I said, "Call me, no texting.  I need to hear your voice."  He did and I think it was the first time I was able to take a deep breath that day.  My mom texted me that morning when I was freaking out and told me that when Josh is up there about ready to jump, he will be closer to God than he ever has been.  Wow, kind of profound.  It helped me, for all of one minute, and then I was back to freaking out.

Thank you God for allowing my Joshie to experience the thrill of his life.  Most importantly, thank you for bringing him back to earth safely.  One more thing God, please knock some sense into him so he doesn't try something like this again. Thanks!

via Pinterest

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope your life is full of great adventures!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Taking Flip Flop for a walk

Taking Flip Flop for a walk........

We take Flip Flop (our dogie) for a walk in our neighborhood twice a day.  Wood-worker man and I try to walk together but at times it's whoever is available.  I noticed the other night on our walk that  there were some pretty gardens and ponds so I thought I would share with you.....

Come on Mom & Dad let's get going....

Well I hope you enjoyed our little's a pretty little place to live.
We'll just hang this up till morning.
I think I will just take a little rest.......

Saturday, June 16, 2012

How I Lost 33 Pounds

July 28, 2011.......That was my very first PIO meeting at our church.  PIO....Pray It Off.  Our bulletin had been asking for new members and if you had 30 or more pounds to loose you could sign up.  PIO had been going strong at our church for over 3 years now.  Only recently had they advertised it as "30 or more pounds".  Before that it had always said "50 or more pounds".  I didn't have 50 pounds to loose, but 30 I could do. Well, I finally got on the scale after being absent from doing that for quite awhile and realized, yes, I had 30+ pounds to loose.  I asked Markus if he would be interested in doing this together and he agreed.  That was the easy part.  The rest, I'll try to put it in a nut shell for you all.  

Before                                                        After
I didn't officially take a before and after picture so these are just ones I had in my photos. I hit my target weight sometime in April of this year. I'll be honest with you, it has been harder to keep it off than to take it off. These last two months have really tested me. It's more mental than anything else. Once you hit your goal, you just say to yourself, "Yay, I did it, now I can start eating whatever I want". Wrong! Everything you've done up until then basically has to remain the same. Maybe a cookie now and then or some ice cream on occasion, but that's about it. You have to keep it up. It really is a lifestyle change for me. It's coming up on one year since I've changed my lifestyle and it has been quite a journey.

I started out at 147.5 on the morning of July 28, 2011. I am now at 114.5 and plan to remain there. I was a size 8/10. Now I am a size 2/4. On a good day I measure in at 5'1 1/2" so being any higher than 115 pounds probably isn't very healthy.

The whole premise behind PIO is "Eat less, move more and pray".  Before I go any further I must tell you that I give all the glory to God.  I asked him to help me, I knew he would and he did.  It's because of all his faith in me that I was able to do it.  This journey would not have been possible with out the loving support of my Markus.  He has lost an incredible 41 pounds so far.  He is about 17 pounds from his goal and I will be with him the rest of the way supporting and cheering him on.

The wonderful woman who runs PIO is Ellen McCauley.  She herself has been on an incredible weight loss journey since starting PIO 4 years ago.  She has her own blog in which she posts videos of her weekly inspirational talks that have helped so many people loose incredible amounts of weight.  Visit it here if you want to find out more.

Here is what worked for me.  I'm not saying that it's right for you.  I believe that every person is different and you have to figure out what works for you.  Some people need more exercise.  Some need less carbs or less protein.  Some need to really cut down on the sugar, some just a little.  What works for me is "calories in, calories out".

  • CALCULATE YOUR MAXIMUM DAILY INTAKE OF CALORIES FOR WEIGHT LOSS.  For this I used the formula for Basil Metabolic Rate or BMR.  For more back ground information regarding BMR visit here.  This is the way I calculated how many calories I needed to take in to maintain my weight.
Women:  655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

Men:  66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

Here is my calculation:

655 + (4.3 x 147.5) + (4.7 x 61) - (4.7 x 45(my age when I started, I'm 46 now))
655 + 634.25 + 286.7 - 211.5 = 1364.45

Next you calculate your activity:

-If you are sedentary: BMR x 20%
-If you are lightly active:  BMR x 30%
-if you are moderately active (you exercise most days a week):  BMR x 40%
-if you are very active (you exercise intensely on a daily basis or for prolonged periods): BMR x 50%
-if you are extra active (you do hard labor or are in athletic training):  BMR x 60%

Add this number to your BMR.

1364.45 x 30%* = 409.34                1364.45 + 409.34 = 1773.79

*When I first started I would say that I was lightly active.  Now after almost a year I would say that I am moderately active.

To maintain, I needed to not exceed about 1775 calories a day.  At the beginning, I did not want to maintain, I wanted to loose.  So I just chose 1500 calories a day that I could not exceed to be able to loose weight.  Most days I was a little below 1500 some I was right at and others I exceeded 1500.  I told myself that I did not want to deprive myself of the food I loved.  And I really love food.  That's basically why I eat what I eat.  I am not an emotional eater nor do I eat when I am bored.  I eat because I love food.  I not sure if I would have been able to continue to stay on this journey if I couldn't eat the foods I loved.  It's all about portion control and eating in moderation.
  • KEEP A FOOD LOG.  If you write down everything you eat on a daily basis, it's like keeping a journal.  If weight isn't coming off, you have a history to see what may need to change.  It also may keep you from eating something you shouldn't if you know that you have to write it in your log.  Make sure your log not only keeps track of what you eat but it should also keep track of your water intake and your exercise.  It's a great place to have all your information in one place.  Here is an example of one day's worth of food within my 1500 calories:  
  • Breakfast - Egg Busters omelet with ham and fat free cheese, 6 oz. orange juice (272                     calories).  Lunch - ham salad on Special K crackers, baby carrots, strawberries (361 calories).  Dinner - Thai Jasmine rice with shrimp, tossed green salad, glass of wine, one small cookie (625 calories). Snacks (one between breakfast and lunch and one between lunch and dinner) Fiber One bar (90 calories), Chobani Greek yogurt (110 calories) = 1458 calories
  • EXERCISE DAILY OR DO SOME SORT OF ACTIVITY.  I usually exercise about 5-6 times a week.  It usually isn't any longer than 1 hour and sometimes it's only 30 minutes.  Mix it up a little.  Doing the same thing all the time will not only be boring, but your body will get use to what you are always doing and the exercise will become ineffective.  Here are some of exercises I do each week:
(through our neighborhood, on the high school track, or hiking at some trails around our house)
bootcamp class*
step class*
Total Gym (weight resistance)
(we have a Total Gym machine and I usually spend once a week on it for about 30 minutes)
bike riding
intervals on the treadmill

I got this one from Pinterest.  It takes about 30 minutes and it really kicks my butt every time.

*If any of you reading this live in the Central New York area, near the west side of Syracuse I need to let you know about Power Plus Fitness.  It is run by an incredible lady by the name of Stephanie O'Neill who has become a great friend and mentor of mine.  She inspires me so much.
  • WEIGH YOURSELF.  Now, this is a debatable subject.  I weigh myself every morning when I get out of bed after I go to the bathroom and with no clothes on.  Some say you should just weigh yourself once a week.  It's your choice, whatever works for you.  You must be consistent though.  If it's just once a week, make it the same day of the week at the same time of day.  If it's everyday like myself,  do it at the same time each day.  I personally like to do it everyday because it gives me an idea of what I need to do for exercise that day and what I should eat.  My average weight loss each week was usually one to two pounds.  I couldn't wait each week to just see one pound come off.  I needed to know each day how I was doing.  Some mornings when I got on the scale, it showed I had gained .5 - 1 pound from the day before.  I knew that I needed to step it up that day.  It didn't discourage me, it made me work harder.
  • KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.  This is probably the most important tip I can give you.  This is not a diet, it is a life style change.  It's a journey that will last a lifetime and it's well worth the trip.
Thanks so much for stopping by.  I hope this has inspired you in some way to start your summer off on the right foot.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Let The Birthday's Begin

Here we are in June and for many families it is graduations , weddings, etc., but for our family it is Birthdays.  Husband, Son-in-law, Daughter-in law, friends and Father's Day.  Some years you can throw in graduations and a few weddings, so you see it can be a month of celebrations.  WoodWorker man and I have always had a tradition to take each other out to dinner for our Birthdays and not tell one another where we are taking them.  We try to pick a new restaurant neither one of us has been to, so this year I have one in mind and I hope it is a success.

This is our Daughter- in-law, Terry.   Happy Birthday my love

This is our Son-in-law, Mark  Happy Birthday Handsome


This is woodworker man with our youngest Grandson, Lincoln.  Happy Birthday Tomats
(term of endearment)


Here is the love of my life....Woodworker man.  He celebrates his birthday on D-Day.  I mean the official and real life D-Day 6/6/44.

We are big on hanging banners...

and more banners.....

enough with the banners!!

Besides the Birthdays last week we were able to hit a few garage sales.  Let me show you what we picked up........

A pair of lanterns or something?  The seller wasn't sure what they were.  We will definitely use them somewhere outside, on the porch, etc. $5.00 each  Good deal!

This darling weathered bench for $4.00  WOW!

Don't you just love garage sales?  Probably try to hit a few this weekend....Happy salling (?)


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Markus

Happy Birthday to my incredible husband Markus (banker man).  I think I just want to call him Markus from now on.  The whole "Banker Man" never really did it for me.  His name really isn't Markus either!?! It's just Mark.  I have always called him Markus.  Don't ask me why, I really have no idea.  We started dating when I was just a baby.....15.  I have only known him as Markus.  My brother use to laugh when I would call him Markus.  He would say "Marcus B. Welby" and start giggling.  Does anyone even remember that show.....Marcus B. Welby, MD? That shows you how old we are. He was just 12 when we started dating so I'm sure it was a little brother thing to do, make fun of your sister and her new boyfriend.

I really am at a loss for words to describe Markus. He's so much more than I deserve.  I thank God every single day for him.  He really does "complete me".  Tall dark and handsome doesn't even start to describe him.  And those blue still my heart! I could go I will. He is my soulmate, bff, confidante, spiritual advisor, and the most amazing father to our two children.  Thank you God, I couldn't have picked anyone better.

These were taken over Memorial Day weekend when we visited Buffalo.  We had a big celebration at his sister Mary's house.  Joey (Mark's brother) and his family flew in from Denver.  Joey had a conference in Toronto later in the week and came in early to celebrate Mark (6/3) and Mary's (6/2) birthdays.

Joey, Mary and Mark

Joey, Mark, Tyler (Mary's son), Josh

The whole "Fam Damnily". Josh, Joey, Tyler, Greg, Chloe, Kath, Mary, Me, Connor, Mark (holding Daisy), Evan, Papa Dan, "B"

Did I mention that he is pretty athletic too?
He actually hates to have his picture taken.  So in all fairness, here is a "photo montage" of the love of my life.  Happy Birthday my sweet Markus.  May we spend many, many more together! <3

Thanks for stopping in!
